

I guess my mind has been somewhere other than in the world wide blogosphere lately.

Maybe I'm enjoying the ever so mediocre life of a 20 year old southern Arizonan just a little too much. Ha. I made a funny.

The school semester is coming to an end soon, and I've just been trying to enjoy things as they are before I once again head off into the land of having two jobs. Sure, I want to save money, but I just won't have any time to do anything fun.

As far as my love life is concerned, it's still waning. People just don't seem to understand that I don't want to be in a relationship right now. I have the rest of my life to be in a committed relationship, so why would I start now? I think it might have something to do with the fact that all the men that I attract are just that. Men. In their 30's. It's strange. I'd rather not date someone who's almost twice my age. Hell, I'd rather not date someone who's a decade older than I am. Not now, anyway.

School is going well. I have finals coming up and I'm more than a little nervous about them. I paid attention all year, and I just so happen to be an extremely talented note-taker, but I have yet to actually study for my finals. I should probably start that, considering they're coming up here VERY quickly. We'll see how that goes...

A very dear friend slit her wrists a few weeks ago as well. I've been spending almost every hour of every day praying for her. She was in the psych hospital for a week and a half, and it turns out that God really does answer prayers, sometimes very quickly. She seems to be making a quick recovery and is genuinely interested in healing. Yay her!

And the rest, as they say, is history....

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