

Here's a big infodump of stuff in my life currently/recently.

a) I won a two night stay at the Rio Hotel in Las Vegas! I'm super psyched. As many times as I've been to Vegas, I've never done the big "Vegas Experience". It's always staying with family and/or at the general hotels and not being able to do anything anyway because I was under 21. Now, I'm 22 and I get to stay at the Rio for free! I'm gonna go see Penn & Teller. This is my plan so far.

b) I made some homemade dog treats for Fonz on his birthday:

I also ate one. They're not bad. They're not GOOD, but they're not bad.

c) Pumpkin spice cupcakes with cream cheese frosting. Hooray for fall! I LOVE winter vegetables.

d) Fonz loves laying on yarn and mohawk hats

e) I've officially made $8 so far making mohawk hats!

f) Five Steps to a Happy Tummy (aka Mini Pumpkin Pies):






g) I finished making this pink hat!

And that's about it.

1 comment:

Anne-Marie said...

Yum! Your mini pumpkin treats look delicious. I'm torn between the mini pies and the mini cupcakes!